DevDays Asia 2020 Online

此職務之前,柯淑芬博士擔任台達資訊長達8年,帶領IT團隊整合台達集團資訊系統,導入 Microsoft Office 365、Microsoft Dynamics 365、Microsoft Azure Service、Cloud PBX、SDWAN、SDDC、SAP HANA ERP 等科技,結合IT與OT,優化全球資訊架構與設備,支持台達數位轉型,實現智能製造、邁向工業 4.0。更應用台達基礎設施與節能解決方案:高效率電源系統、精密式空調與氣流管理、LED節能照明方案、全面性能源監控系統等,搭配IT資料中心深度虛擬化管理策略,打造LEED全球首座白金級資料中心機房,為企業級綠色資料中心樹立標竿。
2015-2016年, 徐明強博士是微軟(中國)有限公司 中國區公有雲事業部總經理,負責Microsoft Azure在中國的業務。徐明強的團隊側重=為中國和跨國企業提供互聯網轉型的解決方案,具有豐富的大資料、互聯網、雲計算、人工智慧和移動互聯應用的經驗。
2004年,徐明強博士加入當時成立不久的微軟高性能計算(HPC)團隊,帶領了一個跨國團隊(雷德蒙和上海)完成Windows Compute Cluster 2003和Window HPC Server 2008的開發工作。2008年徐明強博士回到上海,作為首席架構師,領導高性能雲計算中國研發團隊團隊,負責平行計算運行時系統、程式設計模式、管理和使用者門戶系統的設計和開發。
加盟微軟之前,徐明強博士在1996年之2004年間擔任Platform Computing公司(HPC中介軟體的領導者)的首席架構師,負責其旗艦產品的設計和技術戰略規劃。1993年至1995年,徐明強博士專注于並行語言的編譯和支撐系統的研究,並在阿岡國家實驗室完成博士後研究。在此之前,徐明強博士先後在英國埃克塞特大學取得電腦博士學位,在曼賈斯特大學擔任研究助理員。
現任: | 台灣微軟 客戶成功事業群 / 資深客戶工程師 |
經歷: | 台灣微軟 生產力提升事業處 / 資深客戶服務經理 台灣微軟 客戶服務支援 / 技術支援經理 |
專長: | SharePoint / Teams / Office 365 |
主要領導解決方案業務和資深技術團隊推動微軟Modern Work業務, 包括 Office 365、Windows 10、Surface和行動化及安全解決方案。助力企業和員工的高效協作,從而保證客戶在數位化和全球化的世界中成功地實現轉型。在今年,依照微軟總部的方針,致力於推動前線工作者的數位轉型,從而帶動企業的轉型
Hung-Chun Yu (HC) was born in Taiwan and came to Seattle in 1981 with his parents.
He is happily married and a parent of two lovely corgis, Indy and MeiMei. He enjoys travelling and has done 8 cruises.
He owned his first computer in 1982 and has been passionate with computer technologies ever since. He is experienced from Operating System, application, website, mobile, and performance testing. HC enjoys troubleshooting bugs that are hard to reproduce. Presently, he is an Escalation Engineer with Microsoft Open Specifications Support.
Masakazu (Masa) Nakamura has been at Microsoft over 20 years in various Program Manager roles. He is currently a Senior Program Manager in the Microsoft Office Interoperability team. His primary responsibilities include Office interop customer engagement through events, technical document review process and interop test suite tools planning for customers.
Before joining the Office Interoperability team, Masa worked as a PM responsible for international releases of Microsoft products such as Exchange Server, Office 365 Suites, Office client applications and Office Support documents. He graduated from Seattle University with a bachelor’s degree in computer science.
Tom Jebo is a Senior Escalation Engineer in the Microsoft Developer Support Open Specifications team. His primary responsibilities are helping customers implement solutions using WOPI/FSSHTTP, Exchange, Lync/Skype protocols, and Office Open XML and binary file formats. Before joining the Open Specifications team, Tom helped customers with Microsoft's developer tools, C/C++ languages and COM technologies.
Before Microsoft, Tom developed architectural simulation software at Amdhal Corporation in Sunnyvale, California. Tom holds a bachelor's degree from Boston University in Computer Science and currently lives in Seattle Washington.
擁有10餘年 Dynamics 365 與10年 IT 經驗工作與產業經歷
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