
DevDays Asia 2020 Online


Keynote Speaker 呂正華 經濟部工業局局長
Keynote Speaker 孫基康 台灣微軟總經理
Keynote Speaker 李宗霖 Andy Li 微軟亞太物聯網創新中心架構師
李宗霖現任微軟物聯網亞太創新中心架構師,擁有多年物聯網專案架構設計及實作經驗,目前專注於協助亞太區客戶透過Azure IoT/Data/AI 等技術建立工業4.0相關解決方案及管理平台。在擔任此職位之前,曾任微軟工程師協助開發 Azure PaaS 解決方案。加入微軟前,曾在遊戲產業擔任軟體工程師。
Keynote Speaker 柯淑芬 博士 台達全球企業策略業務發展和聯盟 副總裁暨總經理


此職務之前,柯淑芬博士擔任台達資訊長達8年,帶領IT團隊整合台達集團資訊系統,導入 Microsoft Office 365、Microsoft Dynamics 365、Microsoft Azure Service、Cloud PBX、SDWAN、SDDC、SAP HANA ERP 等科技,結合IT與OT,優化全球資訊架構與設備,支持台達數位轉型,實現智能製造、邁向工業 4.0。更應用台達基礎設施與節能解決方案:高效率電源系統、精密式空調與氣流管理、LED節能照明方案、全面性能源監控系統等,搭配IT資料中心深度虛擬化管理策略,打造LEED全球首座白金級資料中心機房,為企業級綠色資料中心樹立標竿。

Keynote Speaker 葉怡君 Cathy Yeh 微軟亞太物聯網創新中心總經理
葉怡君現任微軟物聯網亞太創新中心總經理,報告至微軟總部雲端及企業研發集團,負責建立並管理物聯網產業應用方案研發團隊,協助育成亞太區物聯網生態圈,協助策略性企業客戶數位轉型,專注于工業物聯網及智慧製造領域。在擔任此職位之前,她歷任臺灣微軟公司營運暨行銷事業群,雲端及企業平臺事業部副總經理、微軟總部OEM全球事業群,負責產品設計及協銷業務、以及 Windows 前端平臺事業部副總經理等管理職。加入微軟前,曾任惠普公司資深系統架構師、趨勢科技開發工程師等職。 葉怡君畢業于臺灣國立交通大學資訊管理研究所、及臺灣大學資訊管理學系。
Keynote Speaker Charles Lamanna Corporate Vice President, Low code platforms, Microsoft
Charles leads the Engineering teams for the Low Code Application Platform (LCAP) in the Digital Transformation Platform Group. The LCAP team includes the Dynamics 365 platform, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agent, Power Portals, Dataverse and AI Builder products. Under his leadership, the Dynamics 365 service moved to Azure and evolved into a fully managed SaaS–on a single version, with regular updates. The Dynamics 365 platform is now one of the largest fully Azure hosted SaaS products in the world, deployed to over 30 datacenters and supporting the entire Dynamics 365 business. Before that, Charles worked in Azure for 4 years, leading the engineering teams that created Azure Resource Manager, Azure Autoscale, Azure Logic Apps, Azure Activity Logs and several other management related capabilities. Before Azure, Charles founded MetricsHub, one of the first offerings for public cloud cost management and service health monitoring. MetricsHub was acquired by Microsoft in 2013.
Keynote Speaker Daniel Canning Director, Product Marketing, Microsoft 365 Apps Marketing
Daniel is part of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem team, helping partners and customers extend Office 365 for their applications. He focuses on industry solutions – including healthcare, manufacturing and financial services. Daniel has over a decade experience creating successful industry ecosystems for productivity platforms. Prior to working in ecosystem development, Daniel created consulting practices for enterprise content management, productivity applications and ERP solutions.
Keynote Speaker Dan Stevenson Senior Director, Microsoft Teams Engineering
Keynote Speaker 陳雋中 台灣微軟雲端解決方案架構師
現任台灣微軟雲端架構技術顧問,負責雲端資安解決方案規劃與設計。業界經驗近 11 年,擅常資安與系統軟體開發。
加入台灣微軟前,曾任職於台灣大型半導體公司資安部門,負責資安評測任務,協助識別企業內的資安弱點與盲點。專注領域包含公有雲服務、軟體應用系統、與 IT 基礎設施安全等。另外也有豐富的企業系統開發經驗。
Keynote Speaker Justin Graham Partner, Low code Applications, Microsoft
Currently leading Cloud Automation and Ecosystem Integrations Business for the Power Platform. Former VP Products Docker and product leader at AWS.
Keynote Speaker Ujjwal Kumar Snr MTC Technical Architect, Microsoft
Ujjwal is Sr. Architect with Microsoft Technology Center, based in Singapore. He has over 18 years of technical and presales experience in various industry domains and technologies from Azure apps, infrastructure, bots, blockchain, IoT to Quantum Computing.
Keynote Speaker 徐明強 博士 微軟大中華區全球合作夥伴解決方案事業群首席技術長



2015-2016年, 徐明強博士是微軟(中國)有限公司 中國區公有雲事業部總經理,負責Microsoft Azure在中國的業務。徐明強的團隊側重=為中國和跨國企業提供互聯網轉型的解決方案,具有豐富的大資料、互聯網、雲計算、人工智慧和移動互聯應用的經驗。

2004年,徐明強博士加入當時成立不久的微軟高性能計算(HPC)團隊,帶領了一個跨國團隊(雷德蒙和上海)完成Windows Compute Cluster 2003和Window HPC Server 2008的開發工作。2008年徐明強博士回到上海,作為首席架構師,領導高性能雲計算中國研發團隊團隊,負責平行計算運行時系統、程式設計模式、管理和使用者門戶系統的設計和開發。

加盟微軟之前,徐明強博士在1996年之2004年間擔任Platform Computing公司(HPC中介軟體的領導者)的首席架構師,負責其旗艦產品的設計和技術戰略規劃。1993年至1995年,徐明強博士專注于並行語言的編譯和支撐系統的研究,並在阿岡國家實驗室完成博士後研究。在此之前,徐明強博士先後在英國埃克塞特大學取得電腦博士學位,在曼賈斯特大學擔任研究助理員。

Amit Khandelwal Senior Program Manager, Microsoft
Amit Khandelwal is a Snr PM on the Azure Data team. His current area of interest is SQL Server on Linux ecosystem, which includes SQL Server Linux-based containers. He has over a decade of SQL Server experience in a variety of roles at Microsoft, including support and field. Over the years, he has focused on designing and delivering data solutions for the E-commerce, banking, pharmaceutical, and IT services industries, with an emphasis on data availability, agility, scalability, and security.
Andrew Davidoff Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft
Andrew Davidoff has been at Microsoft for over 20 years in various Software Engineering roles. He is currently a Senior Software Engineer in Office Interoperability, responsible for internal tools and processes, as well as Protocols Documentation. He is an expert in Exchange Protocols, being with Exchange team in various roles during most of his career in Microsoft.
洪俊雄 台灣微軟客戶成功事業群資深客戶工程師
現任:台灣微軟 客戶成功事業群 / 資深客戶工程師
經歷:台灣微軟 生產力提升事業處 / 資深客戶服務經理
台灣微軟 客戶服務支援 / 技術支援經理
專長:SharePoint / Teams / Office 365
Bin Guo Software Engineer, Microsoft
Bin Guo is a software engineer in the test development team of SQL Server interoperability initiative program. Her primary responsibility is quality assurance for SQL Server open specifications, including development for SQL Server Test Suites, Parser and interoperability tools. Prior to her current role, Bin worked as a software engineer for testing in Office and Windows interoperability team, and a software engineer in Sina.com China. She graduated from Beijing Information Science & Technology University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science.
徐千惠 微軟亞太物聯網創新中心 資深產品規劃經理
徐千惠現任微軟物聯網亞太創新中心資深產品規劃經理。擁有各領域物聯網應用實作專案的工作經驗,目前專注在智慧製造領域,深耕亞太製造業客戶並進行策略性合作,導入工業物聯網及大數據平臺,協助客戶數位轉型。歷任:臺灣微軟大型企業業務暨經銷事業群雲端解決方案架構師、臺灣微軟技術中心技術架構顧問。加入微軟前,曾任 IBM 公司資深資訊工程師、工業技術研究院系統分析師。
佐藤大輔 微軟 Modern Workplace 全球黑帶專家


主要領導解決方案業務和資深技術團隊推動微軟Modern Work業務, 包括 Office 365、Windows 10、Surface和行動化及安全解決方案。助力企業和員工的高效協作,從而保證客戶在數位化和全球化的世界中成功地實現轉型。在今年,依照微軟總部的方針,致力於推動前線工作者的數位轉型,從而帶動企業的轉型


洪啟富 微軟軟體研發資深經理
在嵌入式系統開發有15年的工作經驗, 包含不同的SoC和作業系統. 專精於Linux核心, 多媒體, 網路連線 與 設備周邊介面. 現職於微軟, 主要負責Azure Edge Device開發
Darwin Schweitzer Big Data/AI Advanced Workload Lead, Microsoft
Darwin is an Intelligent Cloud – Big Data/AI Advanced Workload Lead at Microsoft focused on Big Data, AI and IoT. His Data-AI-IoT experience has been gained through a number of diverse roles at Microsoft as well as at other technology companies like IBM and Business Objects. In addition to his work at Microsoft, Darwin has worked in a variety of industries (technology, healthcare, financial services, insurance, pharmaceuticals, travel, education, non-profit, and utilities) including Seattle area organizations like the UW, WaMu, Expedia, and SnoPUD. An aspiring Data Scientist and dedicated lifelong learner, he has contributed to continuing education over the last 9 years as an instructor for the University of Washington Professional and Continuing Education certificate program. He has also been a teaching assistant in the TEALS program http://tealsk12.org for the last 5 years, where he helps students learn Java and prepare for the AP Computer Science exam. Darwin and his wife have 4 dogs, and enjoy hiking, golf, cycling, reading (technology or books about US Presidents – just Darwin), and listening to Blues and Jazz.
郭家齊 微軟技術社群區域總監
擔任 Enterprise IT Manager、 Microsoft Regional Director、Microsoft Azure MVP & Speaker 透過不同角色中學習用多種觀點建立軟體開發流程,不僅專研技術, 也了解商業需求,在需求與技術探尋合適的解決方案。現在專注於雲端架構設計與開發、工業 4.0、供應鏈系統設計和 DevOps解決方案,也擔任過DevOps 研討會、技術開發研討會與企業 DevOps 講師。 Profile : https://profile.edwardkuo.dev
陳逸凡 微軟雲端安全防護專家



Hung-Chun Yu Escalation Engineer, Microsoft

Hung-Chun Yu (HC) was born in Taiwan and came to Seattle in 1981 with his parents.

He is happily married and a parent of two lovely corgis, Indy and MeiMei. He enjoys travelling and has done 8 cruises.

He owned his first computer in 1982 and has been passionate with computer technologies ever since. He is experienced from Operating System, application, website, mobile, and performance testing. HC enjoys troubleshooting bugs that are hard to reproduce. Presently, he is an Escalation Engineer with Microsoft Open Specifications Support.

章堅 微軟軟體研發資深經理
加入微軟之後, 投入 Windows 系統, 平板電腦, 手機, IoT 以及嵌入式系統產品的開發. 目前專注於 Azure Edge Device的開發工作
林堅樂 微軟專家技術部技術專家
協助客戶從策略面及操作面訂定資訊安全強化策略,專注於帳號身份及文件資料保護領域,加快各產業的企業數位轉型。在加入微軟之前曾任職於甲骨文資訊安全代表,銷售帳號身份管理及資料庫安全解決方案相關產品,擁有Microsoft/IBM/HP/VMware/RedHat, HDS及ITIL等多項IT認證。畢業於國立政治大學企業管理學系,職涯中累積多年的各式資訊解決方案經驗,以及豐富的實作經歷。
林靖堯 台灣微軟資訊安全產品行銷經理
擔任台灣微軟資訊安全市場行銷產品經理,主要負責台灣微軟資訊安全類型產品的市場推廣。 從事資訊安全相關行業己有 15 年的經驗,在服務台灣微軟前,曾服務於資訊安全原廠、資訊安全產品代理商、以及資訊安全系統整合商的通路業務與行銷工作。對於台灣資訊安全的市場、產品以及解決方案都有相當深入的了解。同時對於資安市場與通路的行銷規劃有著相當多成功的經歷。
Masakazu Nakamura Senior Program Manager, Microsoft

Masakazu (Masa) Nakamura has been at Microsoft over 20 years in various Program Manager roles. He is currently a Senior Program Manager in the Microsoft Office Interoperability team. His primary responsibilities include Office interop customer engagement through events, technical document review process and interop test suite tools planning for customers.

Before joining the Office Interoperability team, Masa worked as a PM responsible for international releases of Microsoft products such as Exchange Server, Office 365 Suites, Office client applications and Office Support documents. He graduated from Seattle University with a bachelor’s degree in computer science.

Matt Sinclair 微軟全球人工智慧業務開發總監
Matt is the Global Sales Engineering Lead for AI at Microsoft. He’s responsible for Microsoft’s commercial AI and ML strategy; and works closely with Microsoft’s largest customers to implement enterprise AI solutions. Previously, Matt has held a variety of technical and commercial roles across a number of emerging technologies, including Cloud and IoT.
Nick Shen 微軟 Modern Workplace 雲端解決方案架構師
現任台灣微軟雲端解決方案架構師,曾任台灣微軟合作夥伴技術架構師、技術傳教士、資深技術支援經理。目前主要負責Microsoft Teams 的產品技術推廣以及合作夥伴相關解決方案建置輔導。
陳彥甫 Microsoft Customer Success 物聯網雲端架構師
Philip Chen 目前在微軟擔任物聯網雲端架構師,隸屬於全球團隊。負責與客戶及物聯網夥伴設計開發intelligent edge 解決方案與架構。加入微軟之前,Philip 曾於趨勢科技擔任RD主管,帶領開發混和雲管理系統。在之前,曾於ASML 亞太區擔任資訊架構師,並曾於IBM 大中華區研發中心擔任資訊架構師、顧問及軟體開發等職位。
Tom Jebo Senior Escalation Engineer, Microsoft

Tom Jebo is a Senior Escalation Engineer in the Microsoft Developer Support Open Specifications team. His primary responsibilities are helping customers implement solutions using WOPI/FSSHTTP, Exchange, Lync/Skype protocols, and Office Open XML and binary file formats. Before joining the Open Specifications team, Tom helped customers with Microsoft's developer tools, C/C++ languages and COM technologies.

Before Microsoft, Tom developed architectural simulation software at Amdhal Corporation in Sunnyvale, California. Tom holds a bachelor's degree from Boston University in Computer Science and currently lives in Seattle Washington.

Zhenhua Hu Software Engineer II, Microsoft
Zhenhua Hu is a software engineer from Microsoft, who is working on Windows Protocol Test Suites for File Sharing, RDP protocols and is passionate for Test Suite open source and cross-platform work.
Yvonne Shih 微軟雲端架構師
Yvonne Shih 專注於Azure上的Data&AI技術,並基於Azure上的服務和合作夥伴協作開發更多解決方案
吳典璋 Build School 軟體工程師培訓學校創辦人
Build School (Build-School.com) 是一所最酷的資訊教育學校,幫助想搭上軟體開發及數位經濟這艘火箭的學員們,成為一位專業的軟體工程師,也協助企業更快更容易地找到對的人才! 創辦人 Dann 哥於軟體、資訊及網路領域已有20年的工作經驗,創辦 Build School 前曾任職於微軟 Microsoft,歷經技術工程師、業務、產品行銷領域,熟悉軟體開發領域之行銷及技術推廣,是一位熱情及樂於分享的軟體資訊愛好者! 並於 2020年成立了「社團法人台灣青築未來協會 Build the Future」,「青築未來」的意思就是 「幫青年人築起他的未來」,這是由 Build School 歷屆校友所組成之公益協會,協會的目標希望能持續公益回饋,贊助一些弱勢的學員參加培訓或提供公益培訓資源,協助青年與學子養成數位科技之專業技能並提升就業力。
黃秉鈞 雲原生台灣使用者社群 共同協辦人
現任台灣雲端原生使用者社群 (CNTUG) 活躍社員之一,現任為 VMware Systems Engineer,負責雲原生相關技術推廣跟實踐,熱愛參與開源社群活動、分享所知跟嘗試未知領域,並著有個人部落格 blog.pichuang.com.tw
張立顗 微軟最有價值專家
超過 10 年經驗的軟體開發工程師,目前專注於製造業的系統開發和架構,涉及 .NET 開發及雲端解決方案。同時也是 STUDY4 技術社群的核心成員及講師,曾組織 .NET Conf. 2020 及 2021 年大型研討會,超過 500 名與會者和演講者參加。喜歡和社群分享所知所聞,並在部落格中發布多篇技術文章,也在 GitHub 上維護開源專案。
范聖佑 微軟最有價值專家
微軟最有價值專家,專注於後端開發,使用的語言包括 PHP 及 Kotlin,陸續推廣過 Laravel、Ktor 等 Web 框架。工作因素加上好奇心始然,對 Serverless 等新架構也抱持極大的興趣。期待能透過通俗易懂的方式將複雜的技術名詞解釋到人人能理解,讓科技幫助更多人解決生活難題。
古永忠 PostgreSQL 台灣使用者社群召集人
許宗訓 人本數位服務 執行長

擁有10餘年 Dynamics 365 與10年 IT 經驗工作與產業經歷


  • 協助企業建立以客戶為中心的作業流程思維
  • 協助客戶將業務流程及服務流程優化並將作業流程於CRM實施
  • 充分利用Power App系統功能的高度可塑性滿足企業的作業流程需求
  • 降低客製化程式開發的成本


  1. 廚房衛浴設備品牌產業-售後服務管理
  2. 健康器材品牌產業-售後服務管理
  3. 健康管理中心-健康檢查流程管理
  4. 快銷品通路經營管理
  5. 機械業-業務與售後服務管理
蔣政道 玉山銀行主任工程師
Open Source 同好,專研軟體開發相關技術,熱衷開源專案及各種新興技術,踏入 DevOps 領域兩年,現任玉山銀行數據暨金融科技中心 DevOps Team Lead,負責 DevOps 及 Cloud Native 方案落地實踐及流程設計。
范寒露 DataMesh 株式会社業務經理
Hanlu Fan, major in International Marketing in the UK, became a “DataMesher” after perceiving the market potential of mixed reality as a new generation of visualization and interaction in the work in an international advertising agency. Since 2017, she is mainly responsible for new market expansion at DataMesh, from localized marketing, sales channel construction to customer relations. Since 2020, she starts to expand Taiwan and the SEA markets and promotes MR applications & scenarios in the vertical industries with Microsoft and several global system integrators. The motivation for her career is to bring innovative business models with new technologies and solutions. So that she hopes to be the Asian version of Wonder Woman, with a sense of mission of a startup, and when the industry encounters some pain-points in the digital transformation, she can bring solutions to industrial clients.  
江明洋 碩網資訊 技術長
詹秉育 精誠軟體服務軟體開發業務處 處長
詹秉育 (Jam Chan) 擁有近20年微軟加值服務開發經驗,熟悉微軟地端、雲端混合服務架構,持續專注於優化企業流程,領導精誠軟體服務的微軟加值服務開發團隊。近年來隨著數位轉型發展,亦擴展服務能量到微軟雲端服務,協助客戶以微軟和第三方認證技術夥伴之解決方案量身訂製加值服務,以各式加值開發方案讓企業使用雲端服務創新價值。精誠軟體服務軟體開發業務處提供的加值開發服務項目橫跨Microsoft 365、Teams、Power Platform (Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI)、Azure、DevOps、SQL Server,以及自有雲端加值解決方案。
游家鑫 中國醫藥大學附設醫院科技創新中心主任
Dr. Jiaxin Yu is the overseer and director of the AI innovation center at China Medical University Hospital (CMUH) in Taiwan. He is also an assistant professor of CMU. AI innovation center was found by him in Nov, 2019, and it has now grown into a group with 5 additional professional workers. Under his leadership, AI innovation center performs AI-related research in the fields of healthcare and medical sciences to aid in disease diagnosis, prevention, treatment, drug discovery, healthcare service improvement and etc. He was a visiting researcher at the Microsoft Headquarter in Seattle, United States from 2018 to 2019. For his educational background, he holds a PhD degree in Neuroscience from the National Yang Ming University in Taiwan. As an expert in machine intelligence and cloud computing, he has extensive experiences in accelerating healthcare digital transformation. Up to date, he and the team have successfully filed multiple patents for the biomedical AI research projects.
吳俊賢 精誠軟體服務軟體開發業務處 技術處長
吳俊賢(Kevin Wu) 專注於.Net、SharePoint專案規劃及開發14年,近年參與眾多大型專案亦協助企業導入雲端服務加速數位轉型,在精誠軟體服務團隊帶領Azure、DevOps、M365、Power Platform、Teams及自有Solution開發,協助客戶採用微軟雲端服務的技術及優勢,以數位轉型的效益釋放既有工作流程面臨的問題。吳俊賢平時也擔任精誠軟體服務雲端解決方案講師,協助在客戶的數位轉型旅程中激發創意、熟悉操作,讓微軟雲端服務達到最佳服務效益。
謝明志 IBM 顧問協理
呂玉雯 天微資訊資深顧問
天微資訊資深顧問呂玉雯擁有多年顧問導入及產品開發經驗,曾協助多家知名跨國與本地企業建置企業資源規劃系統,如東芝國際採購、德蒙資訊 (Yamaha關係企業)、亞仕達科技、巴黎菸草、Daniel Wellington、台灣蜜納(知名美妝保養品)、十分國際、太立實業等等。並負責開發Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central台灣在地化系統包(繁中語言包、統一發票、電子發票)及台灣在地化財務包等等。
Will 保哥 (黃保翕) 多奇數位創意有限公司技術總監
現任「多奇數位創意有限公司」技術總監。2018 年榮獲 Angular 方向的 Google Developer Expert (GDE) 開發專家。連續 14 度當選微軟最有價值專家(MVP)。2019 獲選微軟技術社群區域總監 (Microsoft Regional Director)。熟悉 Angular、JavaScript、.NET、C#、ASP.NET MVC、Go、Docker、Kubernetes 相關技術。
馮立偉 微軟亞洲區 全球黑帶團隊解決方案 副總經理
蘇中才 亞大基因科技 科學長
鄭博仁 風華聯合診所 行銷總監
As the Marketing Director of Charm United Institute, my goal is to introduce the digital technology orthognathic surgery to all those patients with facial deformities. Through the cases studying and patients' experiences sharing, hoping lowering rule out undergoing orthognathic surgeries because of the scared of the long recovery period we used to have.
周佳樺 德祁科技 經理
隨 COVID-19 全球大爆發,智慧醫療以前所未有的速度快速發展,從遠距醫療到運合雲部署,醫療服務彈性與韌性,已成為醫療產業重中之重在意的。在此講題中,將分享如何透過混合實境,來協助病患診療,更有運用混合雲,來幫助醫美客戶縮短手術恢復期的案例,案例中,更可看見,科技賦能醫療將帶領醫療服務升溫走向以客戶為導向的溫暖服務。
李御安 微軟雲端架構技術顧問

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Microsoft Taiwan 商標
iThome 商標
共同推廣單位 :

聯絡 DevDays Asia 2021 服務小組

